
  • jethro tull'in ekimde cikacak, adi ustunde noel $arkilarindan olu$acak yeni albumu. ba$ta tull ve christmas albumu kavramlarini birarada gormek garip gelse de, ian anderson'in konuyla ilgili kanaatleri $u $ekildeymi$:

    "well, i’m not exactly a practising paid-up christian but i have grown up and lived with a so-called christian society for 55 years and still feel great warmth for the nostalgia, festive occasion and family togetherness, so much a part of that time of year. maybe without christmas we would have that much less to celebrate and enjoy in this troubled old world. but it’s really all the winter solstice and the re-birth of nature overlaid with the common sense and righteous teachings of mr. c.

    a christmas in this modern world should, in my view, accommodate the leisure needs and affections of muslims, hindus, buddhists, atheists and agnostics, as well as fido the family dog and felix the cat. throw in a few lost cousins and that dreadful man from next door and you have it! sip the sloe gin, pull a cracker (so long as she’s not the daughter of that dreadful man from next door), kiss and cuddle under the mistletoe, toss vegan disciplines aside, gobble the turkey (steady on, now) and have a therapeutic respite from the rigours of daily life.

    christmas – an aspirin for the soul or cold-turkey celebration of the birth and life of christ? it has to be a measured bit of both, doesn’t it?"
  • grubun bir takim eski sarkilarla bir takim yeni sarkilari bir arada, noel temasinda altinda toplayarak cikardiklari yeni album. sanirim eski sarkilarin guzel olmasinin kaymagini yemek uzere yapilmis bir hamle ama tabi dinlemeden yorum yapmamak lazim
  • 70'lerin folk sounduna bir donu$ niteligi ta$iyan leziz album. grubun eski christmas temali $arkilari, geleneksel $arkilar ve birkac da yeni besteden olu$uyor. icerigi $oyledir:

    1. birthday card at christmas (anderson) - 3:35
    2. holly herald [instrumental] (mendelssohn/traditional) - 4:15
    3. a christmas song (anderson) - 2:47
    4. another christmas song (anderson) - 3:30
    5. god rest ye merry gentlemen [instrumental] (traditional) - 4:33
    6. jack frost and the hooded crow (anderson) - 3:35
    7. last man at the party (anderson) - 4:47
    8. weathercock (anderson) - 4:17
    9. pavane [instrumental] (faure) - 4:18
    10. first snow on brooklyn (anderson) - 4:55
    11. greensleeved [instrumental] (traditional) - 2:39
    12. fire at midnight (anderson) - 2:24
    13. we five kings [instrumental] (hopkins) - 3:14
    14. ring out solstice bells (anderson) - 4:03
    15. bourée [instrumental] (anderson/bach) - 4:23
    16. a winter snowscape [instrumental] (barre) - 4:54
  • jethro tull'ın an itibariyle son albumudur. anlatmak gereksizdir kanimca, bildigimiz tull yine dokturuyor her zamanki gibi. ancak yine de dot com albumunden daha iyi oldugu soylenebilir. ayrica grubun muhtesem klasiklerinden bouree'nin yeni bir versiyonu ve greensleeves'in greensleeved adinda bir yorumu da mevcut. dinleyelim, dinletelim.
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